Healthy Food From CAFEAGRI


This So-Called Health Food Is Responsible For Your Breakouts

There's one so-called health food that I think is responsible for tons of breakouts, and this is yogurt—yep, yogurt. Why am I throwing this well-known health-boosting food under the bus? It’s true that yogurt offers your gut (the tube that stretches the length from your mouth to your navel) live probiotics that can help with many digestive issues and can actually help reduce acne breakouts for many people. Yogurt is a complex food and can come in many guises. You might be clued into the fact that fruit-flavored or fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts are too full of sugar, or that the "light" varieties are full of chemicals and artificial sweeteners—but the pitfalls run deeper than this. So while yogurt is still a great health food, for some it can cause a worsening of acne and breakouts.

Why fat bombs are the latest health food craze

If you tell anyone that you like eating fat bombs, they are probably going to think that you are seriously weird! However, health food aficionados will know that fat bombs are the biggest health food fad of 2018. Keto diets, for one, actively encourage their followers to eat these nutrition and energy packed balls to curb hunger pangs and lose weight in the long run. Are you game to try them? We will help you make an informed with this complete lowdown.


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